For online flower shop Fleurop LiveWall Group developed a product-action page. Children could upload their drawing and win a nice prize for Mom.
Mother's Day action
Children (or their dads , grandfathers or grandmothers) can upload a drawing via the action page. The drawings appear on the action page and can be shared through Social Media. You can vote on each drawing. The artwork with the most votes, wins.
Interflora Drawing Competition
With the Fleurop Drawing Contest children can win free flowers for a year as a surprise for their mother. The Fleurop-jurymembers will nominate the 10 best drawings and choose the winner on May 15. The maximum age for participation is 12 years.
Mothers Day
In the Netherlands we celebrate Mother's Day every second Sunday in May. For most Dutch, it is a day on which they treat their mother. Small children create a gift at school, older children buy a small present from their pocket money and a lot of adults visit their mother.