100% NL

Online Activation Game

In cooperation with 100%NL, a famous Dutch radio station, LiveWall developed various online activation campaigns.

100%NL is not only active on the radio but also on multiple online platforms, including Facebook. The Facebook apps provide the listeners an easy access to interact with the radio station. Working with the advertisers of 100%NL, LiveWall creates campaigns that combine radio with online activity.

Sunglasses with Hans Anders
LiveWall developed a Facebook application, in which visitors could upload their 'sunglasses moment' via the Facebook application. This application was branded by the Dutch franchise Hans Anders, whereby the fans of 100%NL had a chance to win new sunglasses of their own choice at Hans Anders.

100%NL Awards 
Facebook is the easiest way to vote for your favorite artist, and that was noticed by 100% NL.  The users were given the possibility to vote for their 'artist of the year' through this app.

Look-a-Like App
This Facebook app was a fun way to give listeners of the radio-station the possibility to win great prices. The audience was asked to upload a picture looking like their favorite artist. The person that was the best look-a-like won a meet and greet with the artist and you could also win a trip to party island Ibiza.

100%NL Valentine's Day
Attending a special Valentine’s concert of singer-songwriter Nielson, who wouldn’t want that? He is a famous Dutch artist from the television series 'The best singer-songwriter'.  100%NL asked LiveWall to develop a Facebook app to win Valentine tickets.

This app gave Nielson fans the opportunity to invite their friends to go to Nielson’s concert together to celebrate Valentine’s Day. When participants invited their Facebook friends, an automatically generated message was posted to their timeline, which created a viral effect.

After the contest period, the winners were chosen and were handed out tickets for the concert.

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